I’ve been working on rebuilding my Tool collection of which I sold off stupidly 4 years ago and saving my money to go on a shopping spree so to speak for mostly hand tools but recently there have been a couple of occasions where I wished I had a Lab Scope to be able to pin point the fault on a car and lost the job to a friend of mine who has much more diagnostic equipment than I do! (Sob) Anyways, what Automotive Lab Scope would you recommend? Are there Analog and Digital Lab Scopes out there and if so, what’s the main difference? Can they both be used to test all the circuits on a car? I know how a Lab Scope works and the basic theory behind it but what should I really be looking for in a modern Lab Scope and when is it worth spending the extra money? Your personal experiences with said Lab Scope, etc would be greatly appreciated! Ultimately I think I would want to get a 4 channel PC Based Lab scope that doesn’t require it’s own separate power source and just runs off the laptop but I’ve also considered stand alone units if the price is right. You are currently NOT logged in to a registered account. Thank you for visiting Snap-on Diagnostics Product Forums. 1v What LLC does is watch for that drop and supply more power to prevent it, keeping the VCORE at a steady level and helping avoid crashes caused by the suddenly lower VCORE. Snap On Modis Oscilloscope (intro) Hi I teach Industrial Arts or Metal Shop in a New Jersey High School. Now I’ve seen a trend where there are lot more companies (ones that I’ve never heard of) selling Lab Scopes and prices vary greatly. Normally if the idle VCORE was 1.300v and you put a heavy load on the CPU the VCORE would drop to 1.28 to 1.24, sometimes even more then.

About 10 years ago I was head over heels for the PicoScope but the price always scared me away. Snap On Modis Oscilloscope (intro) Hi I teach 'Industrial Arts' or Metal Shop in a New Jersey High School. Ever since I really got interested in the Diagnostic work of cars and trucks I’ve always wanted to purchase myself an Automotive Lab Scope. The scanner is the only window into what the different modules are doing.
Snap on modis oscilloscope how to#
Greetings to all those in the forum, it’s been awhile since I posted on ETCG Forum but I’ve been working on plenty of vehicles since last time I was here in July. How to Use The Snap-On MODIS With the ever increasing electronic content in todays vehicles, the scan tool has become the tool of choice to look into the ECM or module func-tions.