#Single coil vs humbucker in strat upgrade
Summary: it won't really matter which one you start with because 1) they'll both serve a beginner just fine, and 2) if you stick with it you'll be looking to upgrade either of them before long anyway. My Squier was a pretty decent guitar, and you could also consider the HSS variety to give you both humbucker and single coil options on the same guitar. I wouldn't call the Epi Special II a shredder guitar by any stretch, either. There's plenty of classic rock that uses humbuckers, so that will not be a limitation in the least. I do own Gibson SGs and I like them as well (better somedays) than my LPs. I have never owned one of these either, but would think they'd surely be better than an Epiphone Special II. I've seen Fender Std (MiM) for as little as $150, and Epiphone LP Std for under $300. The Fender will probably be easier to find for $200 as the Epiphone LP Std will probably run closer to $300. I think you'd be miles ahead by moving up this little bit. $200 should get you a decent Epiphone Les Paul Standard or Fender Squier (or even Standard MiM). Really I'd suggest looking for a used Epiphone or Fender Squier that is not of the Special, Bullet, or Affinity ilk. I'm pretty sure these have some cheap hardware, that could lead to problems down the road. I could not say which was better an Epiphone Special or a Fender Bullet. I, however, do not have any experience with the Epiphone Special line of guitars.

Thanks, sorry for the long post and sorry if this is in the wrong section.įor Rocksmith the fixed bridge is going to a bit easier for tuning and especially alternate tunings. Also, I have a breaker box in my room and I heard single coils might hum because of it? Can someone help me figure out if that might interfere? I mean, if I really like electric guitar I can just buy one or the other later after buying one of the two options but, I need help in picking that first option to hold me over for the first two months of learning while I decide what I want to do. I'm brand new to actually playing a guitar and so far my only experience with guitar has been strumming on my old mans busted acoustic which is just hindering my learning and I have no interest in even attempting to restore in it's condition. TL DR - I can't decide between a Epiphone Les Paul Special II with two humbucker pickups and solid tail piece or a Squier Affinity Strat with three single coil pickups and a tremolo tail piece with a whammy bar. My older brother started with a Squier Bullet Strat in 2005 and he said he hated his tremolo for knocking his guitar out of tune. I also heard of a lot of people saying cheaper tremolo are more of a pain than an improvement. I'm liking the Epiphone Les Paul Special II simply because it's $179.99 and there's a nice value pack that I can use just to fool around with until I get serious about playing but, it uses two humbucker pickups which worries me simply because what if I want to sound like Jimi Hendrix or stay true to classic rock? I love the idea of shredding to some metal and the humbucker pickups interest me in that regard but, I also like the Squier Affinity Strat simply because it has the single coils that are pretty dominate in a lot of the stuff I grew up listening to and the tremolo tail piece with 'whammy' bar really interests me even though it's a barely utilized feature. I live out in the boonies and we don't really have any musical instrument retailers around here where I can go to play either of these guitars. I've went through all the options, I have been mentally and visually shopping for an electric guitar for a few years now and my attention has always been grabbed by either the Epiphone Les Paul Special II (LTD, Slash AFD) and the Squier Affinity Strat (the one with three single coil pickups and comes from a similar line as the Bullet).

I'm sticking to a $200.00 budget for my first electric guitar. I landed work recently and to celebrate, I'm spoiling myself by living out a teenage dream of learning to play guitar (mostly just for fun) since I'm not aiming to be a master musician and I intend to have some solid entry points.